
SCN Applauds Sentencing Of Michigan Man For 2019 Hate Crime Conspiracy Plot To Deface Synagogues And Intimidate Jews And People Of Color

June 7, 2024 admin
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The Secure Community Network (SCN), the official safety and security organization of the Jewish community in North America, applauds the sentencing of Nathan Weeden, 24, of Houghton, Michigan, to 26 months in prison for his role in a 2019 conspiracy to victimize Black and Jewish people and for defacing Temple Jacob in Hancock, Michigan, with swastikas and symbols associated with The Base, a white supremacist group.

Weeden, convicted of federal hate crimes, stood trial separately from co-conspirators Richard Tobin, of New Jersey, and Yousef Barasneh, of Wisconsin, also members of The Base, who pleaded guilty to their involvement. In September 2019, the trio used an encrypted messaging platform to plan the vandalization of Black and Jewish properties, naming the plot “Operation Kristallnacht” after the 1938 Nazi arson and massacre that targeted Jews and their property.

As part of this plot, Weeden spray-painted swastikas and The Base symbols on Temple Jacob’s walls on 21 September 2019. Afterward, he boasted on social media: “I did! Went good! Got articles written!!” Prosecutors noted that Weeden converted a semi-automatic rifle into a fully automatic weapon, firing it on several occasions around the time he joined the “Operation Kristallnacht” conspiracy. Additionally, the FBI Detroit Field Office discovered a list on Weeden’s phone containing 35,037 names written in Hebrew alongside addresses and contact information.

The plot devised by the offender and his co-conspirators underscores the insidious nature of hate crimes and supremacist ideology in our society. This case is a reminder that the threat environment, motivations, and means of violent extremists remain fluid, violent, and potentially lethal

SCN National Director and CEO Michael Masters

The effective collaboration of law enforcement agencies in apprehending the co-conspirators in this case and the justice system for prosecuting the case and imposing a strict sentence is a testament to the way they are meeting this challenging moment with a powerful response.

SCN National Director and CEO Michael Masters

In 2023, SCN logged a record 5,404 threat incidents and suspicious activity reports, 112% higher than 2022’s total of 2,551. Additionally, SCN worked closely with local, state, and federal law enforcement, including the FBI, to refer 1,619 individuals to authorities in 2023 — a 110% increase in referrals from 2022.

In response to this complex and dynamic threat environment, SCN has worked in coordination with local, state, and federal authorities and local and national Jewish community partners to respond to these incidents and ensure coordination between law enforcement and the Jewish community across North America.

SCN urges every community to remain vigilant and recommit to preparation, review and enforce existing security protocols, and maintain coordination and communication with law enforcement and security personnel. For imminent threats or emergencies, dial 9-1-1, and report all suspicious activity to local law enforcement as well as appropriate local reporting authorities, and SCN’s 24/7 Duty Desk at [email protected] or by calling 844-SCN-DESK.


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