Steven Pomerantz

NSAC Member
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Former Assistant Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation 

Director, Homeland Security Program, Jewish Institute for National Security of America

Steven Pomerantz is the Director of the Homeland Security Program at JINSA which brings high ranking American Law Enforcement Executives to Israel to study best practice counterterrorism methodology. He retired from the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in June 1995 after a career spanning twenty-seven years. During that time, he rose from a field investigative Special Agent to Assistant Director, the third highest position in the FBI at the time. Mr. Pomerantz has represented the FBI and the law enforcement community on numerous occasions in a variety of settings both domestically and internationally. He is an expert in the area of terrorism as well as criminal justice information. In January of 2002, he joined JINSA as Director of Counterterrorism Programs. 

Mr. Pomerantz served three separate tours of duty at FBI Headquarters, including as Chief, Counterterrorism Section. Mr. Pomerantz also served as Assistant Director in Charge of the Criminal Justice Information Services (CJIS) Division, the largest single organizational entity in the FBI. The CJIS Division provides technical and criminal justice information services to virtually every criminal justice agency in the United States in addition to extensive dealings abroad.