Effective security requires both national coordination and local expertise.  

Over One Hundred Professionals

Our local partnerships bring SCN’s national model to your community by providing access to on-the-ground security professionals to ensure every community has comprehensive protection, including hands-on training, facility assessments, law enforcement coordination, and incident response.

Backgrounds Include

Our team, composed of a network of former law enforcement, intelligence, and military professionals with decades of experience, provide hands-on assistance to help translate SCN’s mission and services to your community.

Through our network of regional security directors and community partnerships, we ensure that every Jewish community, regardless of size or location, has access to professional security support. These local professionals serve as a direct link between SCN’s national resources and the unique needs of individual communities.  

Our network covers all centers of Jewish life so that members of our community are able to walk to synagogue, send their children to camp and campuses, or participate in an activity at a community center free from fear.

100% of SCN security professionals have operational law enforcement and national security experience.

National Jewish Community Security Standards

These security professionals apply our gold-standard National Jewish Community Security Standards (NJCSS) to create a comprehensive security framework that is both nationally consistent and locally tailored, ensuring no community is left vulnerable. 

How was the NJCSS developed?

These standards were developed through a multistage process of consultation with Jewish community lay and professional leaders, security directors from around the network, and experts from law enforcement and public safety agencies.

Additionally, the NJCSS leverages nationally and internationally recognized and validated standards from distinguished professional organizations, such as ASIS International (formerly the American Society for Industrial Security), the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP), and the Commission on Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), as well as from government agencies, such as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

What is the purpose of NJCSS?

These standards ensure that all community security programs are professionally led and risk-driven, as well as transparent and accountable to community stakeholders. They ensure excellence and consistency in the fundamental elements of a comprehensive community security program.