FY2024/2025 FEMA NSGP Update Webinar Recording
Please join the Secure Community Network (SCN) and the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) for an update and discussion about the FY2024/2025 NSGP.
- Nonprofit Security Grant Program
Best-practice guidance documents, training materials, security protocols and checklists, and templates, and more– all developed by leading experts in communal security.
DISCLAIMER: These guidelines are for informational purposes only. Secure Community Network advises seeking professional security advice tailored to your situation. SCN makes no representation, guarantee, or warranty that adopting any recommendation presented here will ensure that your facility or users will be invulnerable to attack or crime. SCN shall not have any liability because of any decision by you to adopt or not adopt any part of these guidelines. These guidelines are copyrighted property of SCN and may not be copied, reproduced, republished, posted, transmitted, distributed, or changed without the prior written permission of SCN.
We are a team of intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and military professionals, recognized as the community’s official liaison to federal law enforcement, and the only faith-based nonprofit with a direct line to the FBI.
Across America, Jewish communities are on heightened alert and are wondering what role armed security should play in their security plans.
Does hiring a private security firm make your Jewish organization safer?
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Please join the Secure Community Network (SCN) and the Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA) for an update and discussion about the FY2024/2025 NSGP.
This 10-minute weather safety webinar is focused on hurricanes and floods, weather events which span spring through fall.
This 10-minute weather safety webinar is focused on spring weather events including tornado awareness, severe thunderstorm safety, microbursts, and ocean and beach safety.
We are a team of intelligence, law enforcement, homeland security, and military professionals, recognized as the community’s official liaison to federal law enforcement, and the only faith-based nonprofit with a direct line to the FBI.
Proposed equipment costs associated with using the NSGP can only be from the allowable categories on the Department of Homeland Security Authorized Equipment List and…
Join the Secure Community Network (SCN), Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), and expert panelists for a discussion on the application process with a focus on the Investment Justification (IJ) for the FY2024/2025 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) season.
Increasing awareness and training of the people who work, visit or are present in your facility on a regular basis – whether staff, faculty, clergy, parents, students or members – is one of the single-most effective ways to enhance the safety and security of your institution. This guidance is intended to outline security measures that are little to no cost and can assist facilities in increasing their overall security.
When planning a conference, special event or large gathering, careful attention must be paid to issues of safety and security. The safety and well-being of attendees should be a primary consideration at every stage of planning, and the event should only start after a detailed security plan has been created. Organized by simple action steps, an event security plan can be easy to create.
Sending your child to summer camp can feel overwhelming, and it’s natural to have questions. As a parent, you want assurance that your child will enjoy a safe, well-prepared environment where risks are mitigated and emergency plans are in place. To help ease your concerns, consider asking camp leadership the following questions before making your decision. A well-run camp will be able to answer these questions confidently, providing peace of mind that your child will be in good hands.
Join the Secure Community Network (SCN), Jewish Federations of North America (JFNA), and expert panelists for a discussion on the application process with a focus on the Investment Justification (IJ) for the FY2024/2025 Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) season.