Safety & Security Guidance


Secure Community Network (SCN) and its security experts regularly develop guidance documents for ensuring the safety and security of the Jewish community. 
The following resource lists include informational one-pagers, checklists, and white papers published in collaboration with partnering security professionals. These lists are further supplemented by our resource pages that are dedicated to contextualizing and expanding on our resources specific to cybersecurity, travel safety, emergency preparedness, and more.


Secure Community Network White Papers

  • Private Security: Window Dressing or Real Protection?

    This 42-page white paper, published in April 2022, was developed by a panel of recognized law enforcement and security professionals convened by SCN to assist organizations in making educated decisions about the role of private security officers as part of the security strategy of Jewish institutions. The report was designed to support established security programs and assist in creating new ones at synagogues, community centers, schools, and other centers of Jewish life.

  • Private Security: Appendices

    The appendices to the white paper "Private Security: Window Dressing or Real Protection?" include a menu of potential trainings, a sample request for proposal for security services, security physical readiness testing protocol, and sample post orders.

  • Firearms and the Faithful

    This white paper, released in January 2020, is intended to assist and support security personnel as well as houses of worship, security committees, leadership, and professionals to fully consider the issues and concerns related to armed security in houses of worship and other centers of Jewish life.